Sunday, 8 September 2013

The book that has ruined all books for me...

I would consider myself a voracious reader. It is September, and so far this year I have already read over 20 books. Not short books either. I enjoy novels: great, meaty chunks or plot and character that I can get lost in.
Quite some time ago Boyface introduced me to the vlogbrothers. If you are unaware, the vlogbrothers are two brothers, John and Hank Green, who send each other a video blog once a week via YouTube that has gone ridiculously viral. Both men are highly intelligent and accomplished in their fields in their own rights. John is an author, Hank, an entrepreneur and musician. And they are funny to boot.
So, as I mentioned, Boyface showed me some of their YouTube clips and I started to follow them, and then like all things that I do, I stopped. It's not that they weren't interesting anymore, I just found other things to occupy me. Like trying to set up a business...
Anyway, because I was following them on YouTube, I was also following them on Twitter, and there was much mention of #TFIOS and I had no idea what that was so I kind of ignored it for a while. Then I found out that John Green had written a book called The Fault In Our Stars and then it all clicked that the hashtag was an acronym of the title, blah blah.
So one day in July this year I was at Dymocks I saw the book. I had some gift vouchers from my birthday so I thought, 'what the hell, I'll buy it. At the very least Boyface could read it because he like loves both brothers.' And then it sat on my bookcase until this morning.
This morning was fairly uneventful. I went down the street, bought a coffee and some breakfast. Bought Boyface an MtG booster pack and myself some Disney Infinity power discs. I came home and sat on the balcony to enjoy some sunshine. Then I thought, 'hey, what a beautiful day! Maybe I'll go find a book and come back outside to enjoy it some more.'

Nine hours (and five loads of washing) later I finished The Fault In Our Stars.
It is the most profound, moving, poetic, inspiring, unashamedly amazing book I have ever read. And that is not even doing it justice.This book has quite probably ruined every other book in the world for me. It is JUST THAT GOOD.
So good in fact, I don't even have anything else to say about it, except that if every person in the world were only to read one book, please let it be that one.
So, go buy, borrow, beg or steal this book (probably don't steal it, that's a bit mean to whomever it is being stolen from), but however you get a hold of it, read it.
Go do it, like, now.
Meegsie xxx